There are many support services that may be helpful during your child’s admission. If you are interested in any of these services, ask your nurse or doctor for more information.


如果你是母乳喂养, we have International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants available to provide breastfeeding support in the hospital. 我们也有吸奶器.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿童生活专家与您合作, doctors and other members of the health care team to develop a plan of care for your child. 儿童生活专家 use different methods to make sure that your child’s social, 情感和发展需要得到满足. They also help you to comfort your child by creating parent and child play sessions and sharing strategies for comforting.


  • 儿童及其家属住院前的医院探访
  • Preparing for medical procedures, support during procedures and medical play after procedures
  • 音乐治疗和医疗游戏时间
  • 监督游戏室和青少年休息室
  • 家庭资源室和同伴支持项目
  • 兄弟姐妹的支持
  • 舒适的定位和放松活动
  • 访问游戏资源和笔记本电脑
  • 娱乐儿童和家庭的特别活动
  • Help adjusting from the hospital to home environment and school after an illness
  • 在失去亲人时给予支持

皇冠hga020电脑版 volunteers also help create special events, arts and crafts or other projects. 他们可以玩电子游戏, read a story or simply sit at a child’s bedside to provide comfort and companionship. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校 或打电话 310-267-9440.

孩子的痛苦 & 姑息治疗计划

UCLA的痛苦 & 姑息治疗计划 is a special service designed to reduce pain and suffering and increase well-being in 孩子们 with serious or life-threatening illnesses. 这个团队包括一名儿科姑息治疗专家, 儿科执业护士, 社会工作者, 牧师和儿童生活专家. 这项服务可由您孩子的主治医生要求. 的痛苦 & 姑息治疗团队提供治疗和资源,以帮助减轻疼痛, 恶心想吐, 因重病引起的焦虑和其他不适, as well as to help with communication between you and your child’s medical teams if needed. The team can also help with treatment decisions when needed and integrates mind-body care into all aspects of its consultations. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校儿科疼痛 & 姑息治疗计划网页.


Our family resource room is a place where you can network with other parents with similar challenges, participate in support groups or take part in educational or creative arts seminars. 一个志愿图书管理员可以分享关于儿童发展的信息, 医疗条件和皇冠hga020电脑版资源. The family resource room is located on the fifth floor, room 5236B, and has flexible hours. 家庭资源室提供的服务包括:

  • 使用电脑
  • 打印、传真、复印
  • 看电视
  • 安静的时间
  • 教育及康乐活动
  • 为住院儿童家属提供的点心
  • 针织类
  • 剪贴簿类


病人会收到送到他们房间的饭菜和零食. Please talk to your doctor or dietitian if your child has any medical or religious dietary restrictions.

在罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心订餐,请致电 310-267-9218 打你的手机或打医院电话79218.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校圣莫尼卡医疗中心订餐,请致电 414-259-6600 从你的手机或96600从医院的电话.

家属及访客, 一楼的公共餐厅提供各种热餐, 准备食物, 零食, 和饮料. 欲知详情,请浏览 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校

Please speak with your child’s 社会工作者 if you are struggling with food access while admitted to the hospital. 您的孩子的房间也可以使用迷你冰箱. 问你的护士你是否需要一个迷你冰箱.


The purpose of the Heart Touch Project is to provide gentle touch and massage services to 孩子们 hospitalized at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center who meet medical criteria and who want this treatment. 定期为住院婴儿提供富有同情心的触摸, 孩子们, 青少年和年轻人可以提供很多好处. 要了解更多,请咨询您的护士.


有基本的卫生用品, 包括牙刷, 牙膏, 洗发水, 库姆斯, 洗剂和剃须刀. 如果你需要这些东西,请问你的护士.


You have the right to an interpreter during every interaction with 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 staff, 不需要你付出任何代价. This service is provided by in-person interpreters, video conferences or by telephone. Each hospital room has an iPad with access at any time to a video or phone interpreter. 要使用您的个人设备访问口译员,请致电 310-267-8001.

正念 & 冥想

正念是将一个人的注意力集中在当下的练习. 这种做法已被证明可以减轻压力, 增强免疫系统,促进整体的健康和幸福感. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校 虚拟正念和冥想服务.


Music therapists help 孩子们 feel better by allowing them to creatively express their feelings and ideas. Your child doesn’t have to sing or play an instrument to see a music therapist. They can sing or play familiar songs, record music or relax and listen to music. 此服务的可用性有限. Ask your nurse or a child life specialist if you’re interested in learning more.


有关参观医院时停车地点的信息,请访问 运输.皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校.edu/campus-parking/visitors


宝拉的宠物店 is a service that allows 孩子们 to reunite with their pets during their stay at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康. 想了解更多,请致电 310-267-8184.


志愿犬队为您和您的孩子提供陪伴和温暖. People-Animal Connection may help with physical and emotional healing by providing positive bonding dogs to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. These teams of dogs with a human parent meet 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s strict criteria and successfully complete a behavior exam before they can come to the bedside for visits. If you feel your child would benefit from this service, please tell your bedside nurse. 访问 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校 了解更多.


Psychologists and psychiatrists become involved in the care of your child when requested by your child’s primary medical team. 因为住院对任何孩子来说都是压力很大的, these consultants treat many emotional and developmental concerns that can complicate medical care and recovery. Consultants may also teach coping techniques to 孩子们 struggling with serious illnesses, teach parenting strategies and provide medication recommendations for symptoms such as insomnia, 焦虑或抑郁.


Our on-site teacher offers individualized instruction for patients during hospitalizations of any duration. Please reach out to your child’s 社会工作者 or certified child life specialist to arrange for your child to receive schooling according to his or her individual needs.


Interfaith chaplains are members of the health care team and are available to visit 孩子们 and families of all faith traditions, 如果愿意,可以祈祷, 在信仰上分享问题, to bring scriptures or holy writings from a specific faith tradition and to help meet specific faith needs, 比如圣餐, 洗礼, 病人的膏油和和解. The Interfaith 冥想 Room is open to all patients and visitors 24 hours daily in Room 1109 on the first floor of Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center by the main entrance. If you would like a visit from the interfaith chaplain on your unit, tell your nurse 或打电话 (310) 825-7484,或浏览 精神关怀网页.


如果你需要地方住, 蒂弗顿酒店 有100个房间,是为满足皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康家庭的需求而设计的. It includes free breakfast and shuttle service to and from the hospital and UCLA campus. 还有一个厨房,一个商业区,一个健身房和一个娱乐室. 向你孩子的社工咨询更多信息.


你可以在整个医院使用Wi-Fi. 访问咨询台或礼宾台获取用户名和密码. 如果您需要给手机充电,我们也提供充电器.